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Key Personnel



David Robinson founded The Lotis Group and has served as President and CEO since its inception in 2007. David is a New York State Professional Engineer and an ASTM-recognized Environmental Professional. Over his 27-year professional career, David has performed over 20,000 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in all 50 states and Canada. As CEO of Lotis, David directs the strategic direction of the company. Under his leadership, Lotis has flourished into a leader in the Environmental Due Diligence industry.


Integrator/Sr. Environmental Professional

Since 2010, Kelly Reidy-Kaczmarek has been a prominent figure in environmental due diligence, specializing in the communications sector since 2015. She has led a wide array of assessments and reports for properties ranging from farmlands to commercial sites. At Lotis Environmental, Kelly holds dual roles as an Environmental Professional and the Integrator. She manages critical projects, coordinates resources, and enhances operational efficiency, ensuring that daily operations align with the company’s strategic goals for a productive work environment.


Nationwide NEPA/NHPA Team Leader

Since 2013, Miles Walz-Salvador has immersed himself in various facets of the environmental sector, boasting extensive expertise in environmental due diligence. With a track record encompassing thousands of environmental site assessments, Miles has undertaken Phase I assessments, informal biological assessments, migratory bird evaluations, wetland evaluations, and species-specific studies across diverse landscapes, from farmland and commercial properties to industrial sites spanning the continental United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Miles holds formal certification as an EPA and Colorado Asbestos Building Inspector, alongside credentials in OSHA 10-hour Safety & Health – Construction, OSHA 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), and ACOE 38-hour Wetland Delineation. In the role of Nationwide NEPA/NHPA Manager, Miles assumes a leadership position in executing comprehensive NEPA due diligence, encompassing ESA Section 7 consultation and NPA Section 106 consultation.


Environmental Professional

Matthew Green has been working in the Environmental industry, specifically with a focus on environmental due diligence, for almost a decade. Matthew has been involved in the completion of thousands of environmental site assessments throughout his career across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.  Matthew specialized in assisting local school districts comply with the New York State Department of Health Lead Testing in School Drinking Water Program, which was implemented in 2016, and is currently the director of Lotis’ Potable Water Testing Department. Matthew has served and continues to serve as a key agent for Lotis’ continued success and client satisfaction.

DeAnna Anglin

Senior Biologist/NEPA Project Lead

Starting in 2015, DeAnna has gained ample knowledge and experience in the environmental industry. While her focus is regarding natural resources and NEPA due diligence, her flexibility and resourcefulness makes her a great teammate for any department at Lotis. Her ‘can-do’ attitude and gumption ensures that her projects are completed with exceptional accuracy and efficiency.

Abby McKay

NEPA/NHPA Specialist

Abby McKay started working in the Environmental field in college where she studied Earth & Environmental science, with a minor in Geospatial Analysis. Since 2020, Abby has been involved in various aspects of the environmental due diligence field. Including, experience performing Phase I and NEPA site reconnaissance, migratory bird evaluations, and due diligence pertaining to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews for wireless telecommunications projects, which includes Section 7 consultation and Section 106 consultation.

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